Take a look above: Design your own Macbeth newsletter:
Some parametres:
- Base it on significant events of Act 1
- Atleast one interview must be presented
- You must use direct quotes or references to the text to show deep familiarity
- Atleast one of the articles must be related to the Middle Ages--"contemporary allusion"
- Just type : free newsletter templates : on google and you will be inundated
Submission date : before you leave for Leadership Camp: Give me some good reading material---shall miss you:)
Bora's contribution has come in already! Enjoy!
More of the works by Sanika and Grusha!
Hey everyone! I just found out that Macbeth died on 15th august- Independence day for both Indians and Koreans. Was it liberation from his crimes and guilt for himself?? This was a connection that Shakespeare could not have intended.. Nevertheless I find it interesting! :)