Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Questions based on literary technique: closing scene

How is the closing scene of a play created by the dramatist in order to be effective?


  1. Resolution of conflict:

    Closing scene includes the epilogue
    Conflict arises because Higgins believes people’s identities are shaped by the way they speak. He treats Eliza very poorly. It hurts her that Higgins and Pickering perceived her as an object, not a person with feelings, whom they had shaped according to their will.
    This conflict is resolved as Eliza stands up for herself. Shows that though her external appearance has changed, her actual identity hasn’t. Contrasts her from the Pygmalion myth. She doesn’t marry Higgins. She marries Freddy. She starts a flower shop like she always wanted to.

    Closing scene is from the point where Lady Bracknell recognizes Miss Prism.

    Conflict is created by the different identities and pseudonyms used and the confusion caused by these lies
    Resolution: Everyone comes to term with the truth. Cecily accepts Algy. Jack supposedly finds out that his name was actually Earnest. So Gwendolyn forgives him.

    Closing scene is from the point when Willy returns home

    Conflict was everyone’s (especially Biff and Willy) refusal to see reality.
    Conflict of delusions is resolved, Biff reached his epiphany (at an earlier point) and forces his brother and father to see the truth. Everything is finally out in the open.

    Conflict is the power struggle between Blanche and Stanley. The fact that Stella chose to (unwillingly) believe Stanley and was sending Blanche to an asylum indicates that Stanley had won the battle. However the other conflict of Blanche’s unwillingness to see reality, is unresolved. She remains hopeful (she still believes she is going on the cruise). Even when she realizes Stella betrayed her, she was willing to put her hope into a random stranger (a man) in the hope that things would turn out well.

    Catharsis/happy ending:

    There is a happy ending though Bernard Shaw explicitly stated that it was not a “happily ever after” ending in the epilogue. Though Higgins and Eliza quarrel, though Eliza and Freddy have great troubles managing the flower shop, there is not major conflict. These troubles are talked of in a light hearted tone. Hence it is a happy ending. With the happy ending, there is a message: A man and woman can be friends without romantically loving each other.

    Clear happy ending as all pieces miraculously come together to form a happy picture. Jack finds out he has a family. Lady Bracknell agrees to the marriage. Jack agrees to Algy and Cecily’s marriage. Ms. Prism and Dr Chausable decide to get married. Only Gwendolyn has a problem. Then Jack finds out his name is actually Earnest (alternatively he understands that he creates his own identity and he can choose to be Earnest if he wants to).

    Agitation keeps building up as Willy makes obvious mistakes because of his inability to see reality. This builds up as Biff fails in his attempt to communicate the truth. As Biff finally confronts the truth in the closing scene and Willy realizes that Biff actually loves him, there is catharsis. However this catharsis is limited because Willy still refuses to let go of his unrealistic dream for Biff and chooses to commit suicide.

    Conflict is not completely resolved. Unlike DOAS, where though ending is sad, there is still some sense of relief because the pain has ended at least for 2 characters, the ending in DOAS is completely tragic. Catharsis occurs at the point when Blanche walks away with the doctor saying “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers” because it becomes evident that nothing has changed. Blanche remains delusional and hopeful. And Stella and Stanley go on with their lives a normal. This is evident by the last line “The game is seven-card stud”.

  2. Final analysis of character development:

    Higgins: We see the human side of him, as Eliza confidently opposes him. He cares for Eliza because she wasn’t afraid of him anymore. “By George Eliza I said I’d make a woman out of you and I have. I like you like this.

    Eliza: Becomes more confident. As her ability to speak improves, her ability to express improves. She stand ups for herself in a dignified way now, with logical arguments, not with wails like earlier.

    Not relevant.

    Biff: Realize he is a dynamic character. Able to break out of his illusion and accept what he wants to do. Accept what he likes

    Willy: Clinging onto every small bit of hope. Very important for him to have made a difference. He did not want to leave the way he came.

    Happy: We see his contouring character. We realize he is actually a lot like Willy. They give importance to the same things. His determination and love for Willy becomes very evident.

    Linda: She was the only one with a sense of reality, but ironically she is the one who can’t get herself to face this reality of Willy’s death and move on. She knows it intellectually, but it doesn’t sink in.

    Blanche: It becomes evident that unwillingness to face reality is her defense mechanism. It is not a choice.

    Stella: Pragmatic. She was thinking of the baby when she made the choice to send Blanche away. She was as delusional as Blanche was in some ways. This was her defense mechanism to protect the world she knew and loved.

    How did it end? Was it an effective dramatic tool?
    Pygmalion: Conclusive. Though the ending seems a little forced upon at points, it still served the purpose of the play- criticize social conventions and bring out messages

    IOBE: Conclusive. The conclusion is apt for a comedy- it has a happy ending where everything fits in. Yet, as a dramatic tool for the social satire, it doesn’t really bring out any criticisms or messages. The ending did not make the audience think either. Hence as a dramatic tool for a social satire, not very effective.

    Conclusive. Effective. Brings out catharsis.

    Conclusive. But all conflicts are not resolved. Not very effective. Though ending is very realistic and believable, it does not create a distinct cathartic effect.

  3. DOAS

    -->Conflict being delusion of self's identity.
    Requiem is required to support the closing scene to provide an outcome for the conflict. [Funeral]

    --> Catharsis
    a) For Biff- from failed encounter with Oliver
    b) Willy's delusion of respect for him for being a better salesman.
    Funeral doesn't live up to the expectation.

    --> Character Development for Happy's character in Requiem.
    Conversation with Charley.

    --> Conclusive ending.

    --> Ending sufficiently conclusive for the plot. However the message is conveyed better when backed by a requiem.

    Importance of being earnest.

    --> Conflict - 2 barriers
    1. Lady Bracknell's approval
    2. Gwendolen's and Cecily's desire for the name 'Ernest'

    Conflict 1 is resolved by the unraveling of the plot on how Jack ended up in the Handbag at Victoria station. Lady Bracknell approves on knowing the reality.

    Conflict 2 is resolved when Jack finds out his name is Earnest. Algernon will get christened to have the name.

    --> Happy ending with a message
    'One can be anything they want to be'

    --> Exploration of Jack's background.

    --> Conclusive ending in that a message is conveyed with having all conflicts resolved.

    --> Comedies are meant to have happy endings.

    Realisation for Jack that he pretty much WAS everything that he faked to be.
    Importance of being what you want to be, with conviction.

    1. Well up the others ' too...this is the befit of posting on blog...

  4. Death of a Salesman

    Resolution of conflict: The play revolves around the theme of appearance versus reality. Thus, the central conflict is the inability to confront reality. Thus, the closing scene and moment of epiphany exists when Willy returns home, and comes to a self- realization. The internal conflict he faces from his dissatisfaction with the present and his constant search for the intangible American dream is demonstrated through the planting of seeds, which is symbolic of the dreams and hopes Willy was unable to “sow”.

    Catharsis: Willy’s inability to see reality manifests in his strained with Biff. While Biff attempts to tell him the truth, he consistently prods him into telling a skewed version of reality, reflecting the very life that Willy leads. Thus, when Biff communicates the truth to Willy and Willy understands that Biff truly loves him, the audience is led to a holistic catharsis. Yet, there is an unsettling element about the catharsis considering that, despite Willy’s understanding, he chooses to commit suicide, and hence, still clings to idealistic longings.

    Final analysis of character development: The end of character development is expressed through Willy’s death. Thus, although he has reached a self-understanding, his constant search for the American dream, and thus the angst-ridden desperation that is such an innate art of his character, is brought to a close.

    How did it end? Was it an effective dramatic tool? The ending of Death of a Salesman was an effective dramatic tool, stringing loose ends together and allowing for a cathartic effect. A requiem (literally meaning “a funeral song”) aptly follows the concluding scene, reflecting the title and central idea of the play – the death of a salesman.

  5. A Streetcar Named Desire

    Resolution of conflict: The enduring conflict between Blanche and Stanley finally comes to a head in the rape scene in which Stanley symbolically wins the battle between the social classes (i.e. the elite rich (Blanche) and the immigrant poor (Stanley).) This resolution of conflict, violent in nature, carries on to the concluding scene of the play in which Stella chooses to trust Stanley, and sends Blanche to the mental asylum, further enhancing Stanley’s victory over Blanche.

    Catharsis: In A Streetcar Named Desire, the audience doesn’t experience the extensive catharsis that is brought about in Death of a Salesman. It occurs at the point where Blanche walks away to the mental asylum with the doctor saying, “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers”. Thus, the catharsis is mainly brought about by arousing heightened feelings of pity and fear for Blanche.

    Final analysis of character development: At the point where Blanche walks away with the doctor saying, “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers”, it becomes evident that Blanche’s hope and idealistic views have remained. Furthermore, Stanley and Stella continue on with their lives as evidenced by the words, “The game is a seven-card stud”. Thus, the permanence of each character’s personality and life lend to their fixed roles as flat characters that remain unchanged throughout the course of the play.

    How did it end? Was it an effective dramatic tool? Although the ending is quite conclusive, it lacks the cathartic effect clearly brought about in the concluding scene of Death of a Salesman.



    Conflict- Eliza's want to be recognized as an individual VS Higgins who keeps on ignoring/not realizing this.

    Although Higgins does not understand Eliza’s point of view the conflict is resolved as Eliza becomes sure of what she wants and independent of Higgins. Her ability to express her thoughts marks Eliza as an individual.

    The Importance of Being Earnest

    Earnest’s wish to marry Gwendolen comes true. Everyone is satisfied in the end.
    The conflict between individuality and title ends with title winning (Jack would have not been able to marry Gwendolen if he’s true identity wasn’t Earnest).

    Jack and Algy indirectly fight their fake identity; both female characters are in love with Earnest who does not exist in reality. They are rejected because they aren’t Earnests.

    Death Of A Salesman

    Biff finally decides what he wants and acts on it. This is a relief for Biff but shattering reality for Willy. Biff was his last hope.

    The conflict within biff between his true interest and Willy’s expectation has been resolved.
    Willy’s conflict- the guilt towards Biff has not been erased. From the beginning, this was an irresolvable conflict as it happened in the past.

    The way in which Willy always lives in the hopes of future is reinforced here: Willy takes his own life with the hope of resolution. Tragically, this does not become true. Willy’s last attempt at hope fails as his plan to regain Biff’s respect by earning money (insurance money) and showing how he was respected by the number of attendants at his funeral are not achieved. Biff does get the money but it wasn’t what he wanted. Therefore, Willy is a failure even after his death.

    A Streetcar Named Desire

    Has several conflicts.
    Individual-individual: Blanche vs Stanley
    Individual-society: Blanche vs New Orleans
    Individual-fate: Blanche vs the things that happened in the past.
    The last scene shows that Blanche loses in every conflict.

  7. It was a happy ending where two conflicts are resolved:

    1:Jack's wish to marry Gwendolen
    2:Algy to marry Cecily

    Jack finally knows his identiy as ernest and knows his mother
    the happy ending was thrown at a right point of time where we have contrsting feelings about what might happen

  8. It was when known that whatever Jack was saying at all times was the truth which he thought to be a lie .

    Actually, it was for all a comedy so anyways it had to be a happy ending. Every role in the play is satisfied as they got what they wanted.

    in the beginning of the play we see Algy asking for sandwiches which symbolize his desire which is not fulfilled until the ending

  9. Pygmalion
    1. resolution of conflict: Conflict resolves. Eliza marries Freddy but she continues to be friends with Pickering and Higgins.
    2. catharsis/ happy ending: neither catharsis nor happy ending. Somewhat in the middle. Eliza, by the end of the play, attained what she wanted –to speak “like a lady in flowershop”. However, she realized that now she is put in position where she does not fit in any classes of society –she speaks “genteel” but belongs to the lower class. Eliza seems happy from view of certain angle since she found somebody she loved, but at the same time there is sense of regret and reminiscence. Higgins, had finally won the bet but he is resentful that Eliza does not listen to what he tells him to do. He feels pity for his masterpiece to go marry with Freddy, who does not have job and money. Doolittle, Eliza’s father now earns a lot of money because of Higgins. Quite contrary to expectation from the audience, he hates Higgins for pushing him into “middle class morality” –“Now I am worried: tied neck and heels; and everybody touches me for money- Act five”. Externally, from 3rd person point of view, they all look happy but internally, and mentally, they are somewhat disturbed by the end of the play.
    3. Ends the characterization: all characters continue to be flat til the end. Higgins does what he wants to do, Eliza is depicted as personality with strong sense of identity (by marrying Freddy and not succumbing to what Higgins say). Pickering continues to be a gentleman.
    4. how does it end?: conclusive. Eliz is going to get married to Higgins, Higgins won the bet.
    5. Dramatic tool used by the playwright:

    Importance of Being Earnest
    1. resolution of conflict: conflict resolved, question about name also resolves, Jack and Gwendolen, and Algy with Cecily. Jack finds out his identity.
    2. Catharsis/happy ending: happy ending. Aunt Augusta accents both the marriages. Stupidity of characters revealed.
    3. ends of characterization: Aunt Augusta, Jack are flat characters. Algy is rounded character. Since this is comedy, there is no complication in the characterization. Personlities given to each character continue to be the same til the end of the play, not causing further complication. Important element of the play is language, not dynamics of charcter
    4. conclusive. Couples going to get married, Jack and Algy are brothers, found out identity
    5. Dramatic tool used by the playwright: language. “I’ve now realized for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest” he reiterates his point that was repeated but implicit throughout the play.

  10. Closing scene
    Resolution of conflict:

    The conflict arises with the myth of the Pygmalion. Can Higgins mould Eliza into a women with defined principles?
    Higgins judges people by their language. So through the play, when Eliza’s language was of low-class, Higgins treated her very poorly. She was uncomfortable that Higgins and pickering looked upon her as an object. The resolution of the conflict occurs when Eliza proves the Pygmalion with wrong. Even though she changed her appearance, she stuck to being her natural self and opened a flower shop like she always intended to do.

    The conflict arises over the lack of trust Stanley has over blanche. He sees blanche as a threat to his household. The conflict showed the power struggle between them, and Stanley ultimately wins the battle when stella chooses to trust him over stella and sends her to the asylum. The conflict of blanche’s mental state is mainly left unresolved as, in the end of the play, blanche still has hope on going on the cruise and everything will turn out well.

    The Ending:

    Though the epilogue dosent state that the play has a completely happy. (Eliza’s quarrels with Higgins and Freddie), it can still be said that play ended with a happy ending as Higgins and Eliza decide to remain friends even after the climax.

    The conflict of Blanche’s mental state remains unresolved. The play did not have a completely sad ending like death of a salesman, as stella and Stanley were relieved at the end of the play. The catharsis occurs when the Blanche walks away with the doctor and says “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers”.

    Final analysis of the character development:
    Eliza: Eliza was a round character. She becomes more confident and she improves her ability to express and show herself.
    Higgins: Higgins was a stereotypical character. But we see the softer side of him when he considers Eliza as his equal.

    Blanche: Blanche still remains delusional and unwillingness to face reality.
    Stanley: Stanley is a flat character so he only exrepsses one nature throughout the play. He remains the same animal-like and brutally honest.

    How did it end? Was it an effective dramatic tool?
    The end is conclusive, with an epilogue. The couclusion serves to the genre of the play of being a comedy, with a happy ending.

    The end was conclusive, but all the conflicts were not resolved.There was not much of a catharic effect created at the end.

  11. Death of a Salesman
    1. Resolution of conflict: Conflict that existed between Biff and Willly vanishes along with the death of Willy. However, internal conflict is created within Linda after the death of Willy. Although explicit conflict that envolved arguing and bellowing is gone, internal conflict is going to remain in character (at least for Biff and Linda).
    2. catharsis/ happy ending: Catharsis among the audience- like Happy says “he had no right to do that. There was no necessity for it”. However, it could be the only choice Willy could make. Willy had to give up his dream in order to face up to reality, like Biff said “I am not a leader of men, willy and neither are you”. But, he did not/ could not face the reality –“so don’t give me lecture about facts and aspects. I am not interested”. Even before his advent of death, last thing he says about Biff is “that boy- that boy is going to be magnificent!” although he knows Biff is “Lazy bum”. His death could be inevitable since “a salesman is got to dream”. Choices Willy had in the closing were to face reality and give up dream or to continue to dream to avoid reality. He chosed the latter, and the consequence was his death.
    Furthermore, Linda’s monologue in the requiem excites purging of emotion from the audience. ironical repetition of sentence “We’re free…” marks the tragic aura of the play
    3. end of characterization: Biff, a rounded character who got to know who he really is- “I know who I am”, He seems to be the only hope of the Loman family. Linda has lost sense of purpose in life, and Happy continues to dream the same kind of dream Willy used to dream but, Biff is going to find his life in farm land. Happy carries tragic flaw of Willy –“I’m changing everything. I’m gonna run that department before this year is up. You’ll see, Mom”. The notion that tragedy will be repeated for another generation makes the play even more tragic.
    Death of Willy has greatest impact on Linda. She used to be a sole supporter and voice of reality in Loman’s family. However, now she is the one who is going to live in dream to avoid reality –“It seems to me that you’re just on another trip”
    4. how does it end? With the death of Willy. Conclusive
    5. Dramatic tool used by a playwright: music. End with the flute music, that was symbol for Willy’s past and his dream.

    1. resolution of conflict:
    Conflict between Stanley and Blanche does not get resolved. Stanley tears the paper lantern from the light bulb. A new conflict is created between Mitch and Stanley “you… you… you… Brag… brag… bull… bull.”
    2. catharsis: Blanche rejected by her sister and family. Perhaps her life forced her to be “always depended on the kindness of strangers”.
    3. end of characterization: Stella as a foil to Blanche. Although they have similar background, Stella succumbs to the changes and accepts reality, on the other hand Blanche fights against the society. Stella – a rounded character: she loves her sister but can send her off to mental hospital “to go on”. Blanche and Stanley- flat characters. Stanley is animalistic til the ending, influenced by desire for power and sexual love. Blanche considers herself as a lady and retains same characteristics she had from the beginning.
    4. How does it end? Conclusive. Blanche is sent off to mental hospital, Stanley and Stella move on.
    5. Dramatic tool used by playwright:

  12. Death of a Salesman

    Resolution of conflict:
    Willy realizes that he couldn’t live the American dream. Evident from when he comes to plant seeds. It can be used as a symbol for his internal conflict being resolved; he leaves insurance in the name of Biff and Happy so they can probably achieve the American dream.

    The epiphany he experiences, the funeral doesn’t live up to what he had expected.

    Character development:
    The end of character development is expressed through Willy’s death. His realization and ridiculous obsession with fame and fortune, all come to an end. We may also see Happy’s character develop to an extent.

    How it ends:
    Conclusive, as we have a definite answer to Willy’s obsession with the American dream, we gain insight into Biff and Happy’s future. The situation of all the characters, Willy, Biff, Happy and Linda are clearly shown at the end of the play.


    Resolution of conflict:
    Eliza’s (round character) internal conflict on her true identity is resolved. In the start we see that However in the closing scene we see that even after a complete makeover, a personality does not necessarily change. Evident from when Eliza stands up for herself.

    Catharsis/happy ending:
    No conflict at the end of the play. “Happily ever after”
    Also Eliza ends up with the ’Freddy’ and Higgins has no regrets. “ha ha ha she is going to marry Freddy.

    Character development:
    A new, more humane side of Higgins is seen. He cares for Eliza.
    Eliza is much more confident now, she makes more sense and has the ability to stand up for herself and have an opinion of her own.

    Importance of being Earnest

    Resolution of conflict:
    The truth is revealed, Jack’s real name is Earnest. ‘Bunburying’ created the conflict, at the end it is resolved, as everyone is forgiven, Gwendolen and Cecily forgive Algernon and Jack.

    Catharsis/happy ending:
    Happy ending, Jack finds his family and also discovers his true identity as his name was originally kept as Earnest. Source of happiness for Jack and Gwendolen. Also, Ms Prism decides to marry the doctor.

    Character development:
    Not relevant

    How it ends:
    Conclusive-comedy, Dramatic tool brings out the social satire.

  13. Closing Scene


    Conflict between Eliza and Higgins resolves and Eliza marries Freddy.
    No catharsis occurs.
    Liza is now worried about her future. She is fascinated by Higgins and wants affection from him, but he does not share her interest.
    Ends with an epilogue (though there are quarrels Eliza remains friends with Higgins).
    Eliza was a round character and in the end she becomes more dynamic and confident young "lady".
    Higgins remain a stereotype from the starting of the play, yet he considers Eliza to be equal with him and intends to show affection towards her.
    Higgins won his bet and made Eliza a "lady" to his expectations.

    IOBE :

    Happy ending as everything gets resolved( Cecily with Algy and Ernest with Gwendolen and Lady Bracknell with everyone).
    Jack finds about his actual birth identity and gets to know his real name.( "the importance of being Ernest").
    All the persons seem to be the same throughout the play.(they do not change).
    Conflict for individual identity or names ends.
    Mockery of marriage and christening is revealed.

    DOAS :

    Conflict between Willy and his internal state of mind - Individual vs himself. It is because of Willy`s inaccpetance of reality and desire to fulfill the American dream.
    Willy commits suicide ( death of a salesman).
    Willy`s self-realization and his inability to fulfill his dream and hope(as Biff chooses hi interest over Willy).
    Catharsis occurs when Biff confronts the truth in the end(tells it to Willy) and comes out of illusions. (Willy finally comes to know Biff loves him- catharsis).
    Failure of Willy even after his death.
    (ending followed by a requiem - a funeral song, reflects the death of a salesman).


    Rape of Blanche (the resolution of conflict between Stella and Stanley is wild and animalistic).
    Blanche`s yet imagination of Shep Huntleigh and here catharasis occures with Blanche`s dialogue, " I have always depended on the kindness of strangers".
    Ends with a conflict between Mitch and Stanley
    There is not a happy ending as Blanche is sent to an asylum and Blanche`s conflict with Stanley doesn`t end.
    It is only Stella and Stanley who live together later on in the play.
    Blanche`s individual conflict with her mental state or mind is not resolved.
    Blanche`s destruction and loss of everything.
