Author Bio
Full Name: William Golding
Date of Birth: 1911
Place of Birth: Cornwall, England
Date of Death: 1993
Brief Life Story: William Golding's parents brought him up to be a scientist. But he always had an interest in reading and writing, and at Oxford University he shifted from the sciences to literature. Golding fought in World War II, and was involved in the D-Day landing at Normandy. His experience in the war greatly influenced his views of human nature. After the war, he began writing novels in addition to teaching. Lord of the Flies was Golding's first novel, published in 1954, and was a critically acclaimed bestseller in both England and the United States. Though Golding never again achieved the same commercial success, he continued to write and went on to publish many more novels, including The Scorpion God (1971), Darkness Visible (1979), and Fire Down Below (1989). He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1983 and died in 1993.
Key Facts
Full Title: Lord of the Flies
Genre: Allegorical novel / Adventure novel
Setting: A deserted tropical island in the middle of a nuclear world war
Climax: Piggy's death
Protagonist: Ralph
Antagonists: Jack and the Lord of the Flies
Point of View: Third person omniscient
Historical and Literary Context
Where Written: England
When Published: 1954
Literary Period: Post-war fiction
Related Literary Works: Adventure stories such as Robinson Crusoe and Swiss Family Robinson depict people who are stranded on deserted islands transforming and civilizing nature. Lord of the Flies subverts the genre. It shows boys stranded on an island who try to civilize nature, but instead descend into savagery. While other adventure novels support the idea that man is inherently civilized, Lord of the Fliesuses the genre to suggest exactly the opposite.
Related Historical Events: World War II influenced the themes and setting of Lord of the Flies. The war changed the way people in general and William Golding in particular viewed the world. World War I was for many years called the War to End All Wars. World War II proved that idea wrong and created a new sense that people are inherently warlike, power hungry, and savage. While the world war raging in Lord of the Flies is not World War II, it can be viewed as Golding's version of World War III. Only a few brief references to the war outside the boys' island appear in the novel, but references to an atom bomb blowing up an airport and the "Reds" make it clear that the war involves nuclear weapons and places capitalist allies including the British against the communist "Reds."
Extra Credit
Beelzebub. The phrase "lord of the flies" is a translation of the Greek "Beelzebub," a devil mentioned in the New Testament. In the Bible, Beelzebub sometimes seems to be Satan himself, and at other times seems to be Satan's most powerful lieutenant.
Coral Island. William Golding based several of the main ideas in Lord of the Flies on Coral Island (1858), a somewhat obscure novel by Robert Ballantyne, a 19th-century British novelist. In Coral Island, three English boys create an idyllic society after being shipwrecked on a deserted island. They battle wild hogs, typhoons, hostile island visitors, and eventually Pirates on the South Seas.
Acknowledgement: http://www.litcharts.com/lit/lord-of-the-flies
Dear HL:
You need to answer these questions in the blog itself from Tuesday 9 September class onwards .Go to comments box and write the answers so that we can all see and review.
1.Why is the chapter entitled “The
Sound of the Shell”?
2. What is Ralph’s attitude toward
Piggy in the first chapter?
3. What is the significance of
Piggy’s plea to join the expedition?
4. Why is Ralph elected chief?
5. What is the “scar” that is
repeatedly mentioned?
6. Why is Jack unable to kill the
7. What do Piggy, Simon, and the
littlun with the birthmark have in common?
8. How is Jack presented to the
9. Why did Golding use British
10. How is Piggy revealed as most
clearly tied to the world of adults?
11. How is Piggy indirectly
responsible for the blowing of the conch?
Chapter One
ReplyDelete1) The shell, or ‘conch’ as it is called, is used to call the others together
2) Ralph does not seem to like Piggy, when they first meet, Ralph tries to walk away from him. The boys them seem to get close to each other when they find the conch and start blowing in it to make strange sounds.
3) The significance is that it shows that Piggy wants to be with the others, and he wants to become their friends.
4) Ralph was the one who called everyone together
5) The scar is the place on the island where the plane had crashed
For the first answer you can also include that the shell symbolizes authority as the kids decide that whoever holds the conch is allowed to speak.
DeleteThird one you can talk more about how Piggy is desperate to fit in and how the other kids judged him and excluded him often.
Also Ralph's appeal made him seem fit to be a leader.
fifth is correct but also shows how it isnt natural but rather because of man (just how a scar is not natural)
1. the chapter is entitled the sound of the shell because in the beginning Ralph and Piggy found an actual shell which they would to call everyone for the assembly. As it is actually a shell and the boys used to come to a particular point at the sound of it, the chapter was named the sound of the shell.
ReplyDelete2. Ralph's attitude towards piggy in the first chapter is a little negative because Piggy has the understanding and intelligence of adulthood which Ralph does not have. Piggy's name and appearance is also made fun of by Ralph which shows us that the relationship was not friendly at all.
They got the shell in order to gather everyone in a group, they didnt want anyone to get lost.
DeletePiggy was made fun because of his nickname which made him frozen among others.
Delete3. I agree with Avish. Piggy plea's to join the expedition because he wants to be a part of them, it can be in order to survive or to be one of them because even though Piggy is intelligent he is always picked upon by others. He wants to be one of them. I feel this is the significance him pleading to join the expedition.
ReplyDelete4. Ralph is elected chief because he introduced the shell system and brought everyone together to discuss their further planning on how to survive.
5. I agree with Avish, the scar is the place where the plane had crashed.
1.Why is the chapter entitled “The Sound of the Shell”?
ReplyDeleteThe sound of the shell brings all of the children on the island to a meeting. It is explained that the shell is actually called a conch.
2. What is Ralph’s attitude toward Piggy in the first chapter?
Ralph sees Piggy as an annoyance but is never overtly mean to him. He knows that Piggy is a good person but is not very affectionate towards him.
3. What is the significance of Piggy’s plea to join the expedition?
Piggy strives to fit in with the other boys on the island. He is usually left out from the group and he sees this as a chance to be friends with the boys.
4. Why is Ralph elected chief?
Ralph is elected chief because he was the first to call a meeting of all the boys. Ralph is also the oldest and seems to have the best leadership skills.
5. What is the “scar” that is repeatedly mentioned?
The “scar” is the mark on the ground that the plane made when it crashed on the island.
1. The chapter is entitled “The Sound of the Shell”, because the conch piggy finds and Ralph blows attracts the lost children to the place. It helps gather attention and makes the children form a group.
ReplyDelete2. In the first chapter, Ralph doesn’t really treat Piggy properly and rather makes fun of him. However, Piggy keeps faith in Ralph and becomes a loyal follower of Ralph.
3. Piggy joins the expedition out of desperation. This is because of his nickname, he feels singled out by the rather popular children. Despite his efforts to stay by Ralph’s side he still thinks it is not enough.
4. Ralph was elected as the chief of the boys because he was the first person to make an effort in the hope of gathering all the lost children. He showed commitment and was one of the oldest members of the group of lost children. The littleuns felt that he was the right man to lead them out of their misery.
1. The chapter is entitled “ sound of the shell” as all the boys on the island find each other by following the direction of the sound made by the shell. Piggy tells ralph that the shell is known as a conch. The conch is given significance in this chapter as it becomes an object of great value even though it is a small tangible item . It is in this chapter that we get a hint of order and discipline among the boys.
ReplyDelete2. When ralph’s first sees piggy he tries to ignore him and walks away. Ralph is obviously a boy of solitude who keeps to himself. Ralph is independent and doesn’t want to move around with piggy because he was a symbol of weakness. Piggy was timid and wore thick glasses.
3. Piggy’s plea to join the expedition shows his desperation to fit in with the rest of the boys.
Based on piggy’s name we can say that he was a loner and was often bullied. So, he thought by joining the expedition he could have a feeling of authority but his peers have stereotyped him as an outcast.
5. What is the “scar” that is repeatedly mentioned?
ReplyDeleteThe scar mentioned in this story is mark on the island that the plane made when it landed or crashed. It is referred to as a scar perhaps because it is man-made rather than an act of nature. Later, but still in the first chapters of the novel, the man-made scar includes the burning of the mountainside from their first fire, and the destruction from there first boulder.
1. Why is the chapter entitled “The Sound of the Shell”?
ReplyDeleteThis chapter is entitled “The Sound of the Shell”, for all of the boys on the island come together as a result of the noise Ralph makes by blowing into a sea shell. Piggy explains to Ralph that such a shell is actually called a conch and the boys eventually decide to use the conch as a symbol of authority and attention. Whenever a boy has the conch in his hand, he is able to speak to the rest of the group without interruptions. Although it is only a small tangible item, the shell may become a very important aspect of the boys’ survival on the island.
1) The title is entitled by the name The sound of the shell because in this chapter Ralph picks up a big shell which you can blow through and make noise. This noise is heard everyone gathers up for a meeting and whoever holds the shell gets to talk.
ReplyDelete2) In the beginning Ralph doesn’t want to spend time with piggy, he just thinks that he is a fat boy who wears thick glasses. Ralph wants to stay a little away from piggy but Ralph discovers that piggy is innovative.
3) The significance Piggy’s plea to join the expedition is that it show how piggy wants to get close to other people and mainly Ralph. Piggy thinks Ralph will be the only protection Piggy will have from the mean Jack.
4) Ralph is elected as the chief because he was the first person to call all the boys for the gathering and he is the one who sounds the conch.
5. The “scar” is the mark on the ground that the plane made when it crashed on the island.
ReplyDelete6. Despite being a strong boy, Jack isn’t entirely experienced and is still a kid. He is scared because he has never taken a life of another being before.
7. All of them are similar becsuse they do not fit in with their group.
8. At first, the reader is confused because he/she isn’t exactly sure what the nature of the boy is like. Jack is always mentioned with the choirboys and is basically their leader. HE does accept defeat to Ralph but continues to lead the choirboys. Often, whenever he is mentioned, there is a sense of negative aura to the reader.
1) Because the shell symbolized unity between the boys. In the beginning Ralph takes the shell and blows into it- gives him automatic authority among the boys. Whoever holds the conch has the right to speak.
ReplyDelete2) In the beginning Ralph doesn't like Piggy and sees him as useless and annoying.In the first chapter, Ralph deliberately ignores Piggy's questions.
3) The significance is that Piggy is known to the rest of the boys as a loner. Him asking to be apart of the expeditions shows that he wants to be included and be friends with the boys.
4) Ralph is elected chief because he is the first one to hold and blow the conch. He calls the others together and holds an assembly.
5) The 'scar' is the mark of the crash site on the island.
6)Jack is unable to kill the pig because even though they are hungry, Jack's moral instincts take over and the thought of ending a life goes against his moral compass.
in the 4th question you could also add that Ralph has natural leadership qualities, the boys feel comfortable around him. Otherwise very well written
DeleteChapter 1
ReplyDelete6) All the people, like Jack, are kids, and are just too young to kill something, even though they wanted to eat it.
7) The thing that the three have in common is that all three were picked on and made fun of. Piggy was picked on because of his strange name, and the fact that he wore glasses, which made him look like a 'nerd'. Simon gets made fun of because he faints in front of everyone. The littiun gets made fun of because of hie physical appearance.
8) When Jack is first introduced, the is seen as a dark character, and as someone who is not prepared to follow rules. He is seen leading a group of boys wearing black cloaks, and then eventually loses the vote.
9) Golding was a teacher before, so he knew how young boys acted and behaved. Also, when someone thinks of children, he thinks of innocent young boys, which adds effect to the story.
10) At an early age, Piggy loses both his parents, lives with his Aunt. This Aunt of his is extremely protective of him, and does not allow him to go out and do things like swimming, which results in him spending a lot of times with adults.
11) Piggy is tho one who told Ralph how to blow into the conch, saying he had a friend that knew how to do it.
I agree with Avish on everything. The answers are to the point and easily relatable.
Delete6. Why is Jack unable to kill the pig?
ReplyDeleteEven though Jack is the strongest out of the boys, he is still a young boy. He does not have the heart to end a pig’s life. Jack’s morals overtook his instincts.
7. What do Piggy, Simon, and the littlun with the birthmark have in common?
All three boys are outcast from the rest of the group.
8. How is Jack presented to the reader?
Jack is presented as an upright boy with discipline. He is shown as humble when he accepts the loss to Ralph in the election of the leader, but a dark undertone is set.
9. Why did Golding use British schoolboys?
Golding might have used British schoolboys because he was once a schoolteacher in Britain. Schoolboys also symbolize innocence and lack of knowledge.
10. How is Piggy revealed as most clearly tied to the world of adults?
Piggy is tied to the world of adults because he has had a difficult childhood where he has lost his parents and lives with his strict aunt. Piggy has lived in adult situations as a child.
11. How is Piggy indirectly responsible for the blowing of the conch?
Piggy indirectly blew the conch because he showed Ralph how to blow it. This is a symbol to show who the real leader is among the boys.
6) I agree with Sameer, Jack is unable to kill the pig because for every human it is hard to end an animals life. Jack is one of the oldest characters in the story but he is only a child.
Delete7) The common thing in Piggy, Simon and littlun is that these people are kept away from the group. Piggy is not into the group because of his name and his nature. Simon becomes hilarious after he faints in front of everyone.
8) Jack is a person who leads his group of hunters in a disciplinary manner. William presented Jack as the main antagonist.
9) Golding uses British school boys because he was once a school teacher and school boys symbolize innocence and lack of knowledge.
10) Piggy losses his parents when he was small and he has only one relative at his house. His aunt doesn’t let him to go out and not even let him swim and he did not have any fun so this reveals that he is clearly tied to the world of adults.
11) Piggy is indirectly responsible because he told Ralph to blow it. He was happy to share to Ralph that he knew how to blow a conch.
6. Jack isn't able to kill the pig because his character is symbolic of society. He alone restrains his humanity which prevents him from killing the pig. Although he is one of the oldest characters in the movie, he is still a boy. Taking someones life is obviously traumatising for anyone, Jack maybe a strong boy but he cannot end a life yet.
ReplyDelete7. Piggy, Simon and the little boy with the birth mark have something in common. I think it is the fact that three of them have been excluded from the group for different reasons. Piggy because of his name and nerdy appearance. Simon because everyone always makes fun of him as he once fainted in front of them. According to Jack, Simon always throws a faint. The little boy because he is recursive and has a big dark birthmark because of which people look at him differently. Although the reasons are not similar but they have been isolated from the group in one way or the other.
8. Jacks character is negative. Golding foreshadows that are about to occur here as Jack seems like an antagonist who has a stern look on his face. He does not come across as someone who is friendly or understanding rather giving the reader a negative vibe about him. He shows vulnerability when he accepts his defeat to Ralph but later on he leads the choirboys.
9.Golding was a teacher in Britain for many years which made him understand British boys better. Staying with them for a long time Golding understood how the young boys think. He probably also chose young boys because they are innocent. Placing young boys to tackle situations adults do is fascinating to watch and predict. I think choosing young boys was a wise decision.
10.Piggy is most tied with the world of adults because he stayed with his aunt who lead him through a sheltered life. Later when we find out that Piggy's parents died when he was young, the reader feels sorry for him and then makes it easy to understand why he can relate to the adults more than anyone else. The way he explains his upbringing is also sad because it seems like his aunt doesn't let him enjoy or give him any sort of freedom.
11.Piggy is indirectly responsible for blowing the conch because he told Ralph how to do it. Piggy had a friend who knew how to make noises off a conch and therefore was excited to tell his new pal about how it is done.
I agree with Maillka, especially about the point about the fact that Golding used children to bring out innocence. :D
Delete4.Even though Jack wanted to be the leader everybody except the choir boys voted for ralph, the boy with the most valuable item on the island, the “conch holder”. Although he may not have any more survival experience than the rest, all of the boys feel an instinctive comfort with this person who sounded the conch.
ReplyDelete5.The scar is the damage done to the jungle by the plane wreckage. It serves as a reminder of the boys' forced presence on the island, as their crash has permanently changed the appearance of the island.
ReplyDelete1.Why is the chapter entitled “The Sound of the Shell”?
The chapter is entitled “ the sound of the shell” because of the significance it bears, the conch shell is the symbol of discipline , the sound of the shell brings the scattered boys together .
2. What is Ralph’s attitude toward Piggy in the first chapter?
Ralph shows a negative attitude, making fun of him by calling names and showing him that he is unwanted in their group.
3. What is the significance of Piggy’s plea to join the expedition?
Piggy being on the heavy side still wants to join the expedition as he wants to fit in with the other boys .
4. Why is Ralph elected chief?
Ralph was elected chief even though he was a introvert, he had the qualities of a leader.
2. i agree with crystal that ralph shows a negative attitude toward crystal but why? he does so mainly because piggy is a "nerd", a symbol of weakness and also because ralph likes solitude and keeps his business to himself.
Delete3. even though ralph had leadership qualities he was made leader mainly because he was the "conch holder", the small tangible item that held high value
9. Looking at Golding’s history, he was a school teacher in Britain. He had experience in teaching British school boys. He probably wanted to ow how innocent his countrymen were. Also, he did not want to mention other country students, since he didn’t know exactly how they behave.
ReplyDelete10. Piggy says he is closely tied in the world of adults since he lost his parents at a young age and stayed with his aunt ever since. HE has been bred in a very closed environment. He does not seem to mingle with other children and therefore tied in the adult world.
11. Piggy was indirectly responsible because he knew that his friend had a coch and knew how to blow it. He therefore showed it to Ralph.
My answers :) (#ourgroup)
ReplyDelete6-Jack is still very young even though he is one of the oldest characters in the book. Although they did want to cook the pig and eat it, he couldn’t bring himself to kill a live pig with his own hands. He knew so much blood would be involved and he simply couldn’t end the pig’s life being a young boy with certain morals.
7-All of them are sort of outcasts as they just don’t seem to fit in with the rest. Piggy was judged to be fat and nerdy, Simon didn’t fit in because he faints a lot, and the littlun with the birthmark was estranged because of his unusual or rather different physical appearance.
8-Jack seems to be the antagonist of the novel to the readers. Although at one point he accepts his own mistake with Ralph but the reader seems to see negatively of Jacks character as of now. Jack enters the novel as a much disciplined boy who is the leader of a dark cloaked pack of choir boys.
9-Golding being British himself probably knows about British schoolboys compared to those of any other country, also William Golding was a teacher in Britain for many years hence he has good experience with them and knows how they behave as well. The reason why they are British “schoolboys” is because since they are still young and have yet to experience the real world, it makes it interesting to read and understand the behavior of these kids when they are put into a survival test of life without the knowledge an adult would have, so it’s completely based on instinct.
10-This is because Piggy is the one who explains that Ralphs father may know where they were going but not where they landed. He thinks more maturely rather than dreaming that they would be rescued where he knows and reminds everyone that in the real world, chances are they will have to be on that island for much longer. Also Piggy being a child who was probably traumatized in the death of his parents and who lives alone with his aunt, has experience more of life than any other kid hence this is how Piggy is most clearly tied to the world of adults.
11-Because Piggy is the one who explained to Ralph how to use it as he knew this from a friend who had a conch in his house. Piggy being more of a timid, gentle personality he didn’t blow it himself hence, his explanation made him indirectly responsible for the blowing of the conch.
1-He asks what the leaders are going to do about the large beastie in the jungle. At first the kids didn’t believe him but later on they realized he was serious and started to take it more seriously as well.
2-Ralph believes that there is no such thing as a beast, especially not in the jungle however, Jack is more curious about it and wants to find out if there actually is a beast, hence he claims that when he is hunting he will confirm that there is no beast. Ralph gets aggravated by this
comment because he finds it rather childish and he reassures the kids there is no such beast in the jungle making the kids feel more at ease.
3-The significance of the chapter’s title is that this fire on the mountain is the main goal as of now for these young survivors. They need to keep this fire going so that the rescuers will find them through the smoke. So the chapter sort of revolves around keeping the fire lit. Also it is their first real issue in the story as Piggy explains to them that the littlun with the birthmark may have died in that fire which had gotten out of control and how everyone is responsible for that.
4-At first rubbing two rocks together didn’t work so Jack realized that they could use Piggy’s glasses to concentrate the sun and reflect its rays to produce a fire. Finally Jacks method worked.
Chapter 1
ReplyDelete1. The chapter is entitled "Sound of the shell" because of the significance it holds. When Ralph blows the shell, all the boys gather together on hearing the sound. The shell is a symbol of authority and attention. It signifies how the boys try to discipline themselves.
2. Ralph resents Piggy initially because he thinks Piggy is irritating but, soon we see that Ralph realizes his usefulness when Piggy tells him that the Conch can also be used as a symbol of authority.
3. Piggy's plea to join the expedition depicts his desperation to fit in with the other
boys. He is always regarded as an outcast because of his eccentric nickname.
4. Ralph is elected as the chief because he was the first one to assemble all the boys together.The boys feel instinctively comfortable around him because he has this aura which makes him a very good leader.
5. The scar mentioned in the story is a mark on the island that the plane made when it crash-landed.
1) During the meeting the littlun with a birthmark asked Ralph what he was going to do with the large beastie in the jungle. All the other boys laugh at him but the littlun still stays serious about his question, which makes other boys actually that there is a deadly beast on this island.
ReplyDelete2) Right after the question is asked Ralph tells the boys that there is no beast whereas jack becomes more curious and he tells that he will make sure that there is no beast while he is hunting.
3) The title of the chapter ‘Fire on the Mountain’ symbolizes that keeping the fire on, is the most important job of the boys from when they were on the island. With the fire the rescuers the can easily identify where the kids are. In this chapter the fire they start moves from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. ‘The fire on the Mountain has been one of the major issues of this novel.
4) The boys quickly pile up some sticks of wood and some leaves but not so sure how to start the fire. They try the match sticks but it is so windy and then Ralph takes Piggy’s glasses and use the light from to start the fire.
Chapter 2
ReplyDelete1) He raises a question about the beast. The others laugh at him, but he remains calm , which makes the others wonder if there actually is a monster on the island
2) He tells the others that there is no beast, and that when he goes hunting, he will look out for it. This makes the others fell more secure.
3) The fire on the mountain symbolizes the fire that the children are trying to make to attract attention on the island. When lighting the fire, it grows out of control and spreads down to the jungle below. At first, the others don't care about it, until Piggy asks about the boy with the birth mark. The others soon realize that he died from the fire.
4) They collect a lot of wood and leaves, and use Piggy's glasses to focus the sun's rays onto the wood, which starts the fire.
It is to the point but you can be go in a little more detail like in Q4 how Ralph first rubs the stones and then to everyones amusement HE uses Piggy's glasses, faces them towards the sun and lights the fire. Q3 The fire also indicates the first incident that happened in the story. In Q2 they're asking about what Ralph and Jack do. You've combined what both of them do and its confusing :)
DeleteMy answers :) (#ourgroup)
ReplyDelete6-Jack is still very young even though he is one of the oldest characters in the book. Although they did want to cook the pig and eat it, he couldn’t bring himself to kill a live pig with his own hands. He knew so much blood would be involved and he simply couldn’t end the pig’s life being a young boy with certain morals.
7-All of them are sort of outcasts as they just don’t seem to fit in with the rest. Piggy was judged to be fat and nerdy, Simon didn’t fit in because he faints a lot, and the littlun with the birthmark was estranged because of his unusual or rather different physical appearance.
8-Jack seems to be the antagonist of the novel to the readers. Although at one point he accepts his own mistake with Ralph but the reader seems to see negatively of Jacks character as of now. Jack enters the novel as a much disciplined boy who is the leader of a dark cloaked pack of choir boys.
9-Golding being British himself probably knows about British schoolboys compared to those of any other country, also William Golding was a teacher in Britain for many years hence he has good experience with them and knows how they behave as well. The reason why they are British “schoolboys” is because since they are still young and have yet to experience the real world, it makes it interesting to read and understand the behavior of these kids when they are put into a survival test of life without the knowledge an adult would have, so it’s completely based on instinct.
10-This is because Piggy is the one who explains that Ralphs father may know where they were going but not where they landed. He thinks more maturely rather than dreaming that they would be rescued where he knows and reminds everyone that in the real world, chances are they will have to be on that island for much longer. Also Piggy being a child who was probably traumatized in the death of his parents and who lives alone with his aunt, has experience more of life than any other kid hence this is how Piggy is most clearly tied to the world of adults.
11-Because Piggy is the one who explained to Ralph how to use it as he knew this from a friend who had a conch in his house. Piggy being more of a timid, gentle personality he didn’t blow it himself hence, his explanation made him indirectly responsible for the blowing of the conch.
1-He asks what the leaders are going to do about the large beastie in the jungle. At first the kids didn’t believe him but later on they realized he was serious and started to take it more seriously as well.
2-Ralph believes that there is no such thing as a beast, especially not in the jungle however, Jack is more curious about it and wants to find out if there actually is a beast, hence he claims that when he is hunting he will confirm that there is no beast. Ralph gets aggravated by this
comment because he finds it rather childish and he reassures the kids there is no such beast in the jungle making the kids feel more at ease.
3-The significance of the chapter’s title is that this fire on the mountain is the main goal as of now for these young survivors. They need to keep this fire going so that the rescuers will find them through the smoke. So the chapter sort of revolves around keeping the fire lit. Also it is their first real issue in the story as Piggy explains to them that the littlun with the birthmark may have died in that fire which had gotten out of control and how everyone is responsible for that.
4-At first rubbing two rocks together didn’t work so Jack realized that they could use Piggy’s glasses to concentrate the sun and reflect its rays to produce a fire. Finally Jacks method worked.
1. The littlelun with the birthmark claims that there is a deadly beast on the island. Despite others making fun of this claim, his calmness about the situation makes everyone wonder.
ReplyDelete2. Ralph tells everyone that there is no such beast. Jack tells everyone that he will look out for such a beast while he is hunting. Ralph acts like a more mature leader which makes everyone more secure.
3. The chapter’s title signifies that the boys spend most of the chapter trying to light fire so rescuers could look out and spot the fire and therefore rescue the children. Unfortunately, the fire spreads into the jungle. After everyone realizes that the littleluns may be left in the jungle, they find out that the littlelun with the birth mark is probably killed by the fire.
4. The boys collect twigs and old wood and leaves and make a massive pile. They realize that o one knows how to exactly start a flame. Jack grabs Piggy’s glasses and is used to reflect sunlight. The attempt was successful and fire starts.
Chapter 2:
ReplyDelete1. What question does the littlun with the birthmark raise?
The littlun boy with the birthmark raises the question of whether there really is a terrible beast in the jungle or not.
2. How do Ralph and Jack answer the question about the beast?
Ralph claims that there is no beast on the island and gives assurance to the other boys. Jack, on the other hand, entertains the thought that there could actually be a beast, and he says that he will find out for sure during the next hunt.
3. What is the significance of the chapter’s title, “Fire on The Mountain”?
The significance of the chapter’s title is that it describes the children’s first important task after reaching the island. The “Fire on the Mountain” turns out to kill the littlun boy with a birthmark. The fire is the first problem that the boys encounter.
4. How do they start the fire?
The boys grab a stack full of logs and twigs, but do not know how to start a fire. Ralph then takes Piggy’s thick glasses and reflects the sun’s rays onto the wood, starting a fire.
Delete4.Even though Jack wanted to be the leader everybody except the choir boys voted for ralph, the boy with the most valuable item on the island, the “conch holder”. Although he may not have any more survival experience than the rest, all of the boys feel an instinctive comfort with this person who sounded the conch.
ReplyDelete5.The scar is the damage done to the jungle by the plane wreckage. It serves as a reminder of the boys' forced presence on the island, as their crash has permanently changed the appearance of the island.
6. Even though Jack is one of the oldest boys, he is still a kid and so cannot bring himself to end a life may it be a human or a dumb animal like a pig.
7. Piggy, Simon and the boy with a birthmark are all outcasts for their own reasons. Piggy immediately becomes an outcast because he is a nerd and has a silly name.
Simon embarrasses himself when he faints in front of everyone. According to ralph he is “ always throwing a faint”!
The little boy with a birth mark was reclusive and was different from the others. All three of these boys are in some form estranged from the group.
8. jack’s entry is made by him leading a group of choir boys. This shows that he had some authority over the boys that made them follow his orders. Even though he shows some vulnerability Golding portrays him as the antagonist and a negative character.
9. there are a lot of reasons why Golding used british school boys. One being he was affiliated with british school boys as he was a school teacher before the war and two, it was stereotype in those times that british boys represent all that is good, that they were angelic. Three being that they represent innocence and they lack prudence.
10. piggy loses his parents at a young age and now lives with his aunt who is very strict and overprotective of piggy. She doesn’t let piggy do anything that gives a hint of risk. As a result of his sheltering guardian and his exposure to difficult adult situations, Piggy is very closely tied to the world of adults.
11. Even though it was ralph who found the conch, piggy was the one who told him how to blow it. Piggy knew this as he saw one of his friend blowing it in his backyard. Piggy doesn’t blow the conch himself because he is timid and would rather be a sidekick than the hero.
12. during one of the first meetings, the littleun questions what they are going to do about the big beastie. He describes that it was a large snake-like thing that lurks in the dark. He also said it would be back that night and by morning it would transform into vines on the trees. This made the rest wonder if there was actually a “beastie” on the island.
13. “but there isn’t a beastie!” ralph assures them again. Jack tells them that he will make sure there is no beast when he goes hunting, but ralph gets irritated by such childish thoughts and like a good leader he stands firm In his belief. This gesture of ralph calms slightly.
14. this chapter is entitled “fire on the mountain” because it marks the first of the many troubles that the boys have. It is in this chapter that the boys build a fire in order to catch the attention of rescuers. Unfortunately, in the process of doing so the jungle catches fire. Though the boys manage to put off the fire they soon realize that the fire consumed the little boy with the birthmark.
15. The boys are very quick to form a massive pile of wood and leaves as a first step in building the fire, but they soon realize that they do not actually know how to start a flame. To Piggy’s dismay, Jack grabs his thick glasses and uses them to reflect the sun’s rays, successfully creating a fire.
crystal---respond and do your part too!
Deletei agree with rukhmini's answers , well put with details !
Delete6. Jack couldn't end the pig's life because he was still a kid and for a kid to end any organisms life can be traumatic. The thought of having a pig to eat may be initially appealing to someone on an island, but the moment at which the animal is breathing in front of the hunter causes one’s morals to overtake their instincts.
ReplyDelete7. Piggy, Simon and the little boy with the birthmark are all outcasts for their own reasons. Piggy is usually excluded from important events because of his eccentric nick name and his nerdy nature. Simon becomes the laughing-stock of the group when he faints in front of everyone. The little boy with the birthmark is an introvert and he is also physically different from the others boys. All of them are estranged from the group in some or the other way.
8. Jack is depicted as a leader in the beginning of the story, leading the boys onto the island. He is portrayed as the antagonist of the story as he is presented to the reader in a negative way. Although he willingly accepts defeat to Ralph for being the group leader, he still maintains authority over the choirboys.
10. Piggy is most clearly tied to the world of the adults as his aunt has trained him to a very sheltered life. The reader feels sorry for him when he/she comes to know that piggy is an orphan living with his aunt, who doesn't allow him to have a normal social life. As a result of this Piggy is very closely tied to the adult world.
11. Piggy is indirectly related to the conch because he is the one who taught Ralph about the conch and also taught him how to blow it. He is the one who came up with the idea.
I agree with all of your points and I think they are very detailed as well :-)
DeleteCHAPTER 1 Cont...
ReplyDelete7) I think the commonality between the 3: Simon, Piggy and the little boy with the birthmark are that they are all excluded from the main group. Piggy doesn't have the 'fit' body type and also has asthma. Simon is 'always throwing a faint' (according to Jack). And the boy with the birthmark insists that there is a creature on the island. They are all different from the rest of the group in different ways, resulting in the group collectively out-casting them.
8) I think Jack is presented to us as the main antagonist. He has extremely dictatorial leadership skills. In the beginning, he is constantly trying to prove how tough he is to the other boys by stabbing the trees. He later picks on Piggy as he is visibly the weakest one. This tells us that Jack feeds off of fear and simply likes to intimidate his peers.
9) Golding was British schoolteacher and interacted with boys(British, of course) on a daily basis. He understood them well. To the world, the British were considered the epitome of class. Golding's portrayal of British boys specifically, losing control, and eventually tapping into their primal self goes to show that no matter how well behaved or 'classy' they society they came from was, when threatened, people will always follow their own primal instincts. I believe that this is what he wanted to show. I also think that it was a good idea to specifically use children because children always represent an innocence that is later lost in adolescence. Seeing children act in such a way is shocking to the reader.
10) Piggy is the most closely tied to the world of adults because his parents died when he was young. Since then, he has lived an extremely sheltered life due to being in the care of his aunt. This strict upbringing has made Piggy feel different as he feels he doesn't have any freedom like other boys his age.
11) He is indirectly responsible for blowing the conch because he was the one who told Ralph how to do it. He had learned how to do it from a friend before and was happy to help Ralph learn how to do it.
Your answers are up to the mark, They are descriptive and very well researched.
Delete8. How is Jack presented to the reader?
ReplyDeleteJack enters the story leading a pack of boys in black cloaks in a disciplinary manner. The reader instantly thinks of him as the antagonist, for this dark image sweeps the tropical island with its presumed negativity. Jack shows some vulnerability when he accepts his loss to Ralph, but retains his stern authority by continuing to lead the choirboys. In the beginning, the reader is confused as to what kind of person Jack truly is, but Golding has certainly written a negative undertone to this character, perhaps foreshadowing events that are about to occur.
Chapter 2
ReplyDelete1. The littlun is petrified by the fact that there is a beast in the forest. He constantly asks Ralph what is he going to do about it. Even though the others boys laugh at his ludicrous comment, he stays firm on his beliefs.
2. Ralph immediately tells the boys that there is no such thing as a beast on the island and that they should not believe in such things. Jack on the other hand is slightly more curious about the issue, he tells the boys that he will search for the beast while hunting. Ralph is irritated by such childish thoughts and stands firm on his belief.
4. The boys gather a pile of wood and leaves but, they don't know how to start the fire. Jack grabs Piggy's thick glasses and uses them to reflect sun's light, creating a fire.
ReplyDelete1) The littleun with the birthmark raises the question of the so-called 'beastie'. The littleun wants to know about the 'snake things' and insists that there is a monster on the island.
2) Ralph tries to assure the boys that beasts and monsters are only found in places such as India and Africa. Jack adds in that he doesn't believe in beasts but if there is, he would slay it.
3) The significance of the chapter title is simply that the boys together start a signal fire at the top of the mountain. This could also be attributed to the fact that the fire got out of control and they almost burning the whole mountain down. The 'fire' in the titll could be indicative of the start of hell and chaos on the island the fire did get out of control because they were arguing.
4) They started the fire by using Piggy's glasses to refract the light from the sun because they had no matches.
Chapter 1
ReplyDelete1: The chapter entitled “The sound of the shell” because in chapter 1,Ralph and piggy first discovered it and piggy found that it can be used as a trumpet to summon other people in order to gather everyone in the group for any discussions. And whenever a boy holds the shell in his hand he gets to talk where everyone listens. So the shell was a reason for a better communication among them, which was their starting useful discovery in the island.
2: In the beginning Ralph does not want to spend time with piggy as he sees his personal appearance and thinks that he is useless, and thinks that he is so talkative as Piggy asks so many questions, when Ralph wanted to find a way to get out of this island.
3: Piggy wants to make friends with everyone in the island and move close with them in order to survive in the island and passing time by talking to friends. So there is a significance of piggy’s pale to join the expedition.
4: Ralph was elected as a chief because he was the first one to call everyone by using the shell.
5: The scar is the mark that occurred on the ground when the plane crashed.
6: Although Jack is a strong boy, he is a young boy who is soft inside to kill anything, even though in terms of killing something to satisfy their hunger.
7: The common thing in piggy, simon and littlun is that all three of them couldn’t mingle properly with the group and were picked on by others, who made jokes on them.
8: At starting Jack was presented decently in his black cloaks in a disciplined manner to the readers and later the reader is confused about what kind of a person he is, when he does accept defeat and still wanted the position. And whenever the author mentions about Jack’s behaviour, he indirectly adds some negative comment into the reader’s mind which is to be revealed later.
9: William Golding used British school boys as he had experienced many school boys, when he was a teacher in Britain for many years. And young boys do not harm anyone and they represent innocence. He adapted these young boys into the story because their survival is different apart from adults or elders thinking of escaping from an island. So this makes the story interesting as how they plan to escape and how they plan to survive.
10: When Piggy was small, he looses both his parents and lives with his aunt. His aunt is very cautious about him and does not allow him to do any fun playing like swimming, in order to shelter him. So he spends lot of time with adults and that is how Piggy revealed as most clearly tied to the world of adults.
11: Piggy is indirectly responsible for the blowing of conch because he showed Ralph how to blow it and Ralph blowed it.
Chapter 2
ReplyDelete1: The littlun with birthmark saw a terrible beast and asks Ralph a question “what to do about the terrible beast in the jungle”?
2: Ralph being a good leader answers that there is no beast on the island, in order to make people feel relief and says that it can be littlun’s nightmare. Whereas Jack tells that he will look out for that beast when he goes for hunting. Ralph acts better to that situation as first he makes people feel better, but jack just wanted to entertain people and indirectly brags about his strength.
3: The second chapter’s title is “Fire on the mountain”, as it is the most important objective they planned in chapter 2. They wanted a fire in the top of the mountain for rescuers to notice them and rescue them. This chapter involves how they made fire and the attempts they made in order to maintain it. But their young minds didn’t pay attention to not to spread the fire. Then piggy tells that there may be littluns in the jungle where fire spreaded and when everyone searches for littluns, they find him no where, which makes the young boys sad as the fire killed littluns. So this title was kept for chapter 2 as it briefly describes everything and as the whole incident was based on the “Fire on the mountain”,The author keeps this title for chapter 2.
4: The young boys quickly collected a massive pile of dead wood and leaves to start building a fire by first rubbing two sticks in their hand, To their surprise there is no fire, then the boys took Piggy’s glasses and used them to reflect the sun’s ray’s and they started the fire.
CHAPTER TWO 1. What question does the littlun with the birthmark raise?
ReplyDeleteDuring one of the first meetings with all of the boys together, the littlun with a birthmark asks Ralph what he is going to do about the large beastie within the jungle. He claims that this creature lurks in the dark and is clearly frightened of it ever appearing again. Although the other boys laugh at this seemingly ludicrous comment, the little boy remains serious about his claim. His intense sensitivity about the subject makes the rest of the boys wonder if there is actually a large, deadly beast on the island.
2. How do Ralph and Jack answer the question about the beast?
Ralph immediately tells the boys that there is no beast on the island and that there is nothing to worry about. Jack, however, is slightly more curious – claiming that he will make sure that there is no deadly creature while he is hunting. Ralph becomes annoyed with such childish thoughts and, like a good leader, stands firm in his belief that there is no beast, making the rest of the boys feel slightly better about the situation.
3. What is the significance of the chapter’s title, “Fire on The Mountain”?
This chapter is titled “Fire on The Mountain”, for the boys embark on their most important job since they have been stranded on the island: building a fire in order to catch the attention of rescuers. Most of the chapter revolves around the process of creating the fire and attempting to maintain it. Unfortunately, the fire gets out of control and spreads down the mountain into the jungle. The boys do not take this issue very seriously until Piggy brings up the fact that there may be littluns still in the jungle, presumably killed by the fire. The boy with the birth-mark is nowhere to be seen and, sadly, all of the boys realize that their fire has killed the poor child. The “Fire on The Mountain” has been one of the first troublesome issues on the island.
Chapter 2.
ReplyDelete1. The littlun with the birth mark asks Raplh what he is going to do about the beast in the arena. Although everyone laugh it out, his seriousness makes everyone think if it is actually true. He says that the creature lurks in the dark and is clearly scared of ever having an encounter with him again. He remains serious about his claim even towards the end of it.
2.Ralph immediately tells the group that there is no beast or any such thing over there, like a good leader he sticks to his word which makes the group feel a little better. But Jack isn't that sure about it and so he says that he will look for the beast first while hunting.
3. The fire on the mountain signifies the attempt of the boys to build a fire. The whole chapter is about how the boys build fire on the mountain to get rescuers attention, how it spreads and burns the whole mountain and then how Littlun goes missing. Everyone thinks the boy with the scar had died in the fire. Not forgetting the fact that the fire on the mountain was the first troublesome incident that happened.
4. The boys get piles of wood quickly enough to start a fire but they actually do not know how to start one. Initially Ralph tries to start fire but rubbing two stones against each other but it doesn't result in anything. To everyones surprise, he then takes Piggys glasses and starts the fire.
5. What is the “scar” that is repeatedly mentioned?
ReplyDeleteThe scar is a gash made in the vegetaion of the jungle when the fusilage of the plane crashed into it, before being dragged back out to sea by the storm.
6. Why is Jack unable to kill the pig?
Jack put up a very strong personality , but he is actually innocent and is scared to kill the pig as he is still a kid .
8. How is Jack presented to the reader?
Jack is presented to the reader as a boy who is used to power and authority , he doesn’t bother about the people he doesn’t respect or receives respect from . He is described physically as... "tall, thin and bony; and his hair was red beneath the black cap. His face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly without silliness. Out of his face stared two light blue eyes, frustrated now, and turning, or ready to turn, to anger.
9. Why did Golding use British schoolboys?
Because he was a school teacher before the war and he dealt with allot of British boys he was also showing the innocence and naïveté’s of the small school boys .
10. How is Piggy revealed as most clearly tied to the world of adults?
Piggy is intelligent, providing answers to help the boys survive and suggestions to help them be rescued. His looks, behavior, and beliefs resemble those of an adult, reflecting a more mature attitude and greater wisdom than the others
11. How is Piggy indirectly responsible for the blowing of the conch?
Ralph and Piggy together discover the large conch shell on the beach, piggy come up with the idea that it can be used as a conch shell, he also insists to have it during their meeting to ensure order .
ReplyDelete1. . What question does the littlun with the birthmark raise?
He is a symbol of doubt and fear because then everyone thinks there is something out there,the fact that he had a birthmark somehow lessened his importance to the other boys, his disability somehow made him invisible. He asks what the boys intend to do about the snake-thing and also asks will it return the coming night. Symbolically he raises other issues, such as why didn't anyone even know what his name was and why was the exact number of boys never determined? Why did nobody bother to find out his name? The very fact that he had a mulberry coloured birthmark meant that he was noticed but nobody asked him for his name.
2. . How do Ralph and Jack answer the question about the beast?
Ralph mentions that "there is no beast" and he even calls a meeting to try and convince everyone that the beast does not exist. Jack, then adds "But if there were a beast my hunters would hunt it down and kill it."
. What is the significance of the chapter’s title, “Fire on The Mountain”?
the title simply refers to the lighting of the signal fire on the mountain top. It could also refer to the fact that the signal fire got out of control and set fire to a pocket of trees on the mountain side.
3. . How do they start the fire?
They collect wood , put them together and use piggy’s glasses to set the fire .
ReplyDelete1. The chapter is entitled HUTS ON A BEACH as it signifies civilization. This conveys that the boys have started to take care of themselves and so, start building huts for shelter.
2. Ralph reaproaches Jack because “hunters” clearly aren’t helping them build huts but continue to commit their days to hunting though it hasn’t resulted in any food. Ralph also gets frustrated because it is impossible to get the boys to concentrate on one job for more than an hour without getting distracted.
3. The two groups are lead by Jack and Ralph. Ralph’s group includes Piggy and Simon, they are truly concerned with boys welfare and their survival plans are long term. The second group includes the “hunters” which is lead by Jack. They continue to grow obsessed with hunting though they are quite unsuccessful, their goals are short sited and are mostly about the gratification they would receive once it is accomplished.
4. We don’t know why simon went into the jungle alone but it can be presumed that the boy had his own agenda and was planning an escape from the island. He was acting ‘Queer” as, Ralph and Jack said.
1. The title “PAINTED FACES AND LONG HAIR” suggests state of the boys after all the time they’ve spent on the island. Jack and his hunting group paint their faces with charcoal in order to camouflage themselves to hunt a pig. Long hair shows that the boys hair hasn’t been tended to and has grown long. There is also a big time time gap between chapter three and four. They are growing accustomed to the island and are using nature in their own unique ways.
2. Though Roger had complete independence and no adults to condemn him for the act he chooses not to hurt the littluns because the lasting effects of human morals and society rules are still installed in his mind prevent him from doing so.
3. Ralph makes a definite stand to Jack by telling him that he was the chief and he should have done what he told Jack to do. Jack let out the fire when he had the opportunity to be saved. When the boys were eating he said that everybody should attend the assembly when he blows the conch presumably to straighten the issues that were bothering him.
4. Jack is a bully and so he poorly treats Piggy as he is an outcast and he also resents Piggy’s relationship with Ralph. Furthermore, he enjoys the power he gets among the boys when he consecutively denies Piggy.
1. The chapter is entitled “ BEAST IN THE WATER” because Percival, the littlun claims that the beast lives in the water. As ridiculous as it sounds the amount of fear instilled in their monds forces the boys to actually believe in the monster. This is a very important aspect of the story as it reveals the vulnerability of the boys. This is another reason why Golding used small boys.
2. Percival, the littlun who claims to have seen the beast shows a paradoxin his behaviour. He was crying with conviction about the beast and soon after he is fast asleep.
3. Ralph called a meeting because he was infuriated with Jack for not putting of the fire when they could’ve been saved by a passing ship. He was angry that no one was listening to him as he was the chief.
4. Piggy dissuades Ralph from giving up hismpost because Jack would become chief then and for Piggy it would be the worst nightmare. Ralph is Piggy’s last thread for having authority over the boys because he understands very well that the little respect that he gets is because of his somewhat close relationship with Ralph.