Wednesday, 10 September 2014

LOTF: Chapters 3 to 5


1.     What is the significance of the title “Huts on The Beach"
2. Why does Ralph reproach Jack?
3. What two groups with different goals are emerging?
4. Why does Simon go to the bower?


 1. What is the significance of the title “Painted Faces and Long Hair”?
2. Why does Roger, throwing stones at the littluns, aim just to miss?
3. What definite stand does Ralph make?
4. Why does Jack refuse to give Piggy meat?


1.     What is the significance of the title “Beast From Water”?
2.     What is the paradox of the boy’s attitude toward the beast?
3.      Why does Ralph call a meeting?
4.      Why does Piggy dissuade Ralph from giving up his position as chief?


  1. Chapter 3

    1. What is the significance of the title “Huts on The Beach"?
    In this chapter, Ralph realizes the importance of shelter. The boys have a hard time making stable huts and cause Ralph to get annoyed.

    2. Why does Ralph reproach Jack?
    Ralph reproaches Jack because Jack spends too much time trying to hunt down pigs, while Ralph tries to build a shelter. Ralph wants Jack and his colleagues to help him build a shelter, which he thinks is more important to do than hunt.

    3. What two groups with different goals are emerging?
    Ralph and Jack lead the two groups. Ralph leads a group that truly wants the common good and tries to make rational decisions. The group led by Jack is obsessed with hunting. Jack does not think about long-term consequences. Ralph tries to sustain the group while Jack tries to hunt for short-term benefits.

    4. Why does Simon go to the bower?
    Simon might have been trying to find an escape from the island. He could have gone to find out more about the island than the other boys.

    Chapter 4

    1. What is the significance of the title “Painted Faces and Long Hair”?
    The title represents the time gap between chapter 3 and 4 with the words “…Long Hair”. “Painted Faces…” describes how Jack used natural colors to paint the boys’ faces in his group. Jack creates his own culture on the island, revolving around hunting.

    2. Why does Roger, throwing stones at the littluns, aim just to miss?
    Roger throws stones for self-enjoyment but not to hurt anyone. Even though there are no set rules on the island, Roger and the boys have some ideals and morals that have been implanted in them by their old civilization and culture.

    3. What definite stand does Ralph make?
    Ralph made a definite stand to Jack and the rest by reminding them that he is the leader of the group. Ralph was upset that Jack let the fire go out. Ralph called an assembly and forces everyone to attend it.

    4. Why does Jack refuse to give Piggy meat?
    Jack doesn’t give Piggy meat because it gives Jack a sense of power. Jack knows the relationship between Piggy and Ralph, and by not giving the “leader’s” friend meat, Jack feels in control.

    Chapter 5

    1. What is the significance of the title “Beast From Water”?
    As the beast on land flummoxes most of the boys, a new problem arises. The younger children say for certain that there is another beast, but in the water. The fear that they show almost convinces the boys that it’s true. This signifies their vulnerability and their innocence

    2. What is the paradox of the boy’s attitude toward the beast?
    The paradox is that after the boy feels upset and cries, he seems to forget about the beast. The boys on the island need a reason to cry about their situation and use the beast as a catalyst.

    3. Why does Ralph call a meeting?
    Ralph calls a meeting because Jack and his gang accidently let the fire go out, which ruined their chance of getting saved by a passing ship. Most of the boys question Ralph’s leadership; and Jack forms a separate group of hunters.

    4. Why does Piggy dissuade Ralph from giving up his position as chief?
    Piggy persuades Ralph not to give up his position as chief because of the benefits Piggy gets from Ralph’s authority. The only reason Piggy has even a little bit of respect on the island is due to his acquaintanceship with Ralph

  2. Chapter 3
    1. The chapter is called the "Huts on the beach" because the boys start to realize the importance of having a shelter on the island. The boys are having a tough time building a sustainable huts and this is bothering Ralph.
    2. Ralph was critical of the fact that Jack and his "hunters" were not helping them in building the shelter. Ralph felt that Jack was wasting his time trying to catch a pig and was not actually helping in building the shelter.
    3. There are two groups in the story, one led by Ralph and the other led by Jack. The one led by Ralph includes Piggy, Simon and other boys who are actually dedicated to the well-being of everyone on the island. Jack's group is more focused on hunting and their goals are very short-termed.
    4. Simon's reason for travelling into the jungle is unclear, maybe he has his own reasons for going there. It can inferred from the text that he trying to prevail over everyone or he is planning his own escape from the island.

  3. Chapter 3

    1. Huts on the beach is a chapter in which they start making huts as their realise they need shelter to survive. The boys are unable to put in their concentration and make a simple hut, which upsets the leader. This is also a sign of how they going back to primitivity. How the early age men used to first build fire, then make shelter. The boys are doing the same.

    2. Ralph reproaches jack because he is not succeeding in making the tent. Jack on the other hand spends most of the time trying to kill the pig but does not compromise on his daily job. The attention span of the boys frustrates him. Jack for a long time doesn't succeed in killing the pig but he doesn't help Ralph either. Due to constantly failing in making the tent and getting no help from others, Ralph reproaches Jack.

    3. The two groups emerging are Jack's and Ralph's. Jacks group is mainly interested in hunting and Ralph's group consisted of Simon and Piggy. The latter's group is far more dedicated and thinks about everyone whereas the formers group is only for hunting even though it doesn't result in a anything they do not help Ralph's group. The span of the goals in both groups is also different. Ralph's is more dedicated and long lasting while Jack's is short term.

    4.Simon goes to the bower maybe because he wants to stay alone and get ahead of everyone in the planning of getting out of the jungle. His agenda is to work on his own for which he goes into the jungle alone and acts odd. The wants his plan to be better and also wants to overpower the others.

    Chapter 4

    1.The title signifies the duration of time on the island. The boys have long hair which means they have been on the island for quite sometime. The survival instinct is high now and so is they want for hunting for some boys like Jack. There is a growth seen in his interest for hunting also showing that the boys are getting adjusted to the surroundings and acting likewise. We have seen the degradation of culture and values here and we have seen how the boys have got adopted to the happenings.

    2. Roger is just messing around with Littlun and the other boys because they are his friends, he doesn't want to harm them even though there are no adults to scold or punish him if he hits them, he still has a civilised side of him which prevents him from hurting anyone even if was a small stone. This is pleasing and surprising to see how the boy remembers whats right and what's wrong from a place which doesn't exist anymore.

    3. Ralph makes a stand when he says Jack that he is the chief and he has to do what Ralph says. This is because Jack didn't look after the fire because of which the rescuers could not see them, Ralph is extremely frustrated due to which he calls an assembly to make things clear to everyone and to solve all these issues.

    4. Jack refuses to give Piggy meat because of the choices Piggy made. He chose to be with Ralph and also because he was never taken seriously by the other boys. There is something about Piggy which never lets him feel like he's important. It is probably his appearance and his name.

  4. Chapter 3
    1) The chapter is called "Huts on the beach" because this is the chapter where the boys begin to try to build shelters, although they struggle while doing it, which makes Ralph annoyed. This also symbolizes how ancient man started to make the world today, by first creating fire, then building shelters.
    2) Ralph goes to Jack because he thinks that Jack and his hunter group are not doing anything, and not helping with building the shelters. He is also frustrated because Jack and his group are spending so many days trying to catch a pig, and they have no success so far. Also, the children that are actually helping Ralph are not staying focused, and keep running off.
    3) The first group, led by Jack, has almost all the boys, except Ralph, Piggy and Simon. Jack’s group is only focused on hunting, and the happiness that they get when they capture an animal, although they are yet to do so. The other group led by Ralph, is focused on building the huts, and how to survive long enough until someone comes and rescues them.
    4) The reason that Simon went off to the bower is not really known. He must have been bored, and wanted to do something else, or maybe he wanted to find something and tell it to the rest of the group, to make himself stand out and be more liked by the others.
    Chapter 4
    1) The significance of the title is that it shows that a lot has happened since the third chapter. “Painted faces” symbolizes the colors Jack painted on his face while hunting for animals. This shows how obsessed he has become with hunting and that they boys are getting uses to the way of life on the island. “Long hair” symbolizes that the boys have been on the island for a long, and have not cut their hair.
    2) Roger threw that stones at the littluns as a joke, and just wanted to have fun. He also might have done it so show that he was mightier than them.
    3) Jack lets out the fire when it was going to be saved. This really upsets Ralph and he makes a stand saying that he is chief, and everyone must do as he says. He also says that he is going to blow the conch, and that everyone is going to attend the meeting.
    4) Jack does not give Piggy meat because he knows that Piggy id good friends with Ralph. Also, by refusing, he gets a sense of power, and makes his look ‘cooler’ in front of his gang.
    Chapter 5
    1) This title symbolizes the beast that everyone is imagining, and shows how vulnerable the kids’ minds are to such things. In this chapter, the kids have a meeting about the beast, and some kids claim to have seen it, and the littlun claims to have seen it in the water.

  5. Chapter 3:
    1) The significance of the title ‘Huts on the beach’ is that Ralph is starting to realize that shelter is one of the most important things for surviving on the island. The children on the island are not interested in building huts which is a really important thing.
    2) Ralph reproaches Jack because he wants to criticize that the hunters are not helping them in building the huts. Jack is spending all of his time trying to hunt a pig but that is not helping them get food.
    3) In this chapter there are two different groups one is led by Ralph and another is lead by Jack. Ralph’s group has piggy and Simon who are always thinking about the welfare of the boys and where as Jack’s group is all obsessed with hunting the pig and fill their stomachs. Ralphs group is also thinking of ways in how to get rescued.
    4) Simon decides to go to the bower because he finds it quiet, beautiful and that place is away from the boys.
    Chapter: 4
    1) This chapter is entitled the ‘The Painted Faces and the Long hair’ because it describes the state of the children after surviving on the island. The title symbolizes the indigenous culture and that there is a degeneration. The painted faces is part of the title because Jack uses natural colours from charcoal and clay to camouflage himself in order to hunt a pig and that they are getting used to the nature on the island.
    2) Roger is just throwing the stone for fun, doesn’t have an intention to hurt littluns.
    3) Ralph makes a definite stand, he tells Jack that he is the chief and everything should be done under his control. Ralph is upset that jack let the fire out when they had an opportunity to be saved. He tells to the boys who are eating that he is going to call a assembly and everyone must attend it.
    4) The first reason Jack doesn’t give piggy meat is that he dislikes piggy. Second reason is that Jack wants to show his power to Ralph and show him that he is strong. Third thing is that Jack is the one who killed the pig and their group of hunters will eat it not anyone else.
    Chapter: 5
    1) The chapter is titled ‘Beast in the Water’ because the children continuously talk about that beast which lives on the island. In this chapter many people witness the presence of the beast on the island. The littlun tells that the beast lives in the water and so that’s where the title comes from. Due to the children getting scared the bigger boys actually believe that the beast is present.


    1. What is the significance of the title “Huts on The Beach"
    The significance of the title "Huts on the Beach" is the starting of civilization and the building of a home like surrounding .

    2. Why does Ralph reproach Jack?
    Ralph reproaches Jack ,as Jack and the other hunters are using their duties as an excuse to avoid building the huts and is very annoyed like all the other that he is refusing to build the huts.
    3. What two groups with different goals are emerging?
    The two groups emerging are -Jack's hunters and "Ralph's lot." Where Jack's aim is to hunt with his tribe and he has a desire to kill instead of being rescued, whereas, Ralph's small group stay with their original target of getting off the island and doesn't have the same desire to kill.
    4. Why does Simon go to the bower?
    Simon is looking for the truth about the beast , with all bickering and fighting he cannot concentrate so he goes to the bower to have a peaceful atmosphere so he can think without disturbance

  7. Chapter 3

    1: The title for chapter 3 was “huts on the beach”, because in this chapter piggy tells that it is also better to think about surviving till the time they get out of the island, so Ralph decides to build huts on the beach with some help from Simon. This chapter signifies the attempt made by Ralph and Simon to make huts which fails so many times before the huts gets completed, but the other people were not even paying attention and did not wanted to help Ralph and Simon, except piggy. And this makes Ralph more frustrated as he fails many times to make a hut and sees others just playing in water.

    2: Ralph reproaches Jack because Jack and his group did not bother to help Ralph to make any huts, instead Jack just wasted time by attempting to catch a pig, even though which is not that essential as they found many fruits to eat in the jungle. Ralph also thinks that Jack is using hunting as a reason to escape from the real work like to make huts. And feels that Jack doesn’t like to help him.

    3: There are two groups of children, where each one has different goals emerging. One group is led by Ralph and the other one is led by Jack. The group, which is led by Ralph, includes piggy and Simon who wants everyone to be safe on the island and provides all their ideas to Ralph in order to survive and escape. Whereas Jack group is a hunting group, where they hunt for a long time for a pig. Jack’s group is only focused on hunting so their group’s goal is to get food, which is a short-term goal. But Ralph’s group focuses on survival like to have shelters.

    4:. Simon goes to bower as he feels that escaping from this island is hard, as no one is co-operating properly and he might be planning his own plans to escape from the island.

  8. Chapter 4

    1: The chapter is entitled “The painted Faces and the long hair” because this chapter tells the state of children after a quite long time of surviving on the island, where Jack uses natural color from charcoal and clay to camouflage himself in order to hunt a pig. And the “long hair” tells that time is passing faster on the island.

    2: Roger, throwing stones at the littluns, aim just to miss because he doesn’t want to harm his friends, but as he feels bored on the island, he just tries to have some fun by making littluns scared, which entertains him for some time.

    3: As Jack lets the fire out and misses an opportunity to be saved, Ralph bursts out and says that he is the chief and Jack should do whatever Ralph tells him to do. And Ralph also makes a definite stand by saying that he is about to call an assembly and that all boys should attend, when he blows the conch.

    4: Jack refuses to give piggy meat because Piggy likes Ralph and supports him more. And it also makes Jack feel that he has control over some decisions, which makes him feel powerful.

  9. Chapter 5

    1: The chapter is titled “Beast from water”, as the boys continue their discussions about a beast living on island. Many boys say that they saw a beast and also say that the beast lives in the water. And this chapter tells that there is a lot fear in most of the boy’s mind, which makes it almost true.

    2: The paradox of the boy’s attitude toward the beast was he got scared, cried and later fell asleep. The little boys were only imagining the creature they claim to see. The boy might also have needed a situation to cry about his situation in island and might used beast reason to cry.

    3: Ralph calls for a meeting because he became very angry as Jack missed an opportunity to escape by letting the fire go out. But the meeting turns out to be different as others question Ralph’s authority

    4: Piggy dissuades Ralph from giving up his position as chief because Ralph has been the close friend in the whole island to Piggy, so if Ralph looses his authority Jack becomes more powerful and troubles piggy more along with others. And even piggy do not want Jack getting Ralph’s power, as he would not even bother about any of Piggy’s ideas even if they were very good to implement for escaping from this island.

  10. Chap3-
    1-The chapter is called huts on the beach because Ralph realizes that shelter is one of the most important aspects of their survival on the island. It made Ralph feel rather troubled that none of the kids had enough focus to simply work hard to make the huts as they weren’t able to make ample huts and had the audacity to find it monotonous.
    2- After Ralph had gotten frustrated due to the fact that the kids could not focus for just a little while he found it even more irritable than he would have normally that Jack was not helping them build shelters and was off hunting pigs. What made things even worse was that Jack wasn’t even able to bring in any food so he was basically wasting time rather than helping build shelters with Ralph. This is why Ralph reproached Jack, in order to criticize that the hunters are not doing anything to put a roof over their heads.
    3-The distribution of older boys are halved here. There are the hunters which is led by Jack where their goal is to hunt an animal all day long (short term decision) and that too with presently little success in doing so instead of helping the other group led by Ralph alongside Simon and Piggy with building shelters and trying to get rescued which is the most significant (long term) goal. Ralph is trying to make mature decisions for the benefit of the lot of them but the hunters on the other hand, are only looking for the fulfillment of capturing an animal.
    4- Ralph and Piggy have noticed lately that Simon is acting weird. Simon goes into the jungle alone and we don’t know why exactly but we do know he has his own reasons for doing so. Perhaps he was planning his escape on the island as being a child he would find it rather satisfying to dominate over others by being the first one to leave the island.

    1. Chap4-
      1-It shows the emerging culture of the kids on the island as they are now painting their faces by using ideas involving nature to further their techniques of surviving which here refers to how Jack used natural colors from charcoal and clay to help him camouflage in order to hunt better. It shows his developing obsession with hunting. The long hair part of the title not only describing the physical state of the boys till date but showing how much time has passed exactly for their hair to have grown that much and also showing the time gap between chapters three and four.
      2- “Roger’s arm was conditioned by a civilization that knew nothing of him and was in ruins”. This line in the novel means that although now Roger has all the freedom he wants on the island (as there are no adults) the ethics and morals of the civilization they used to live in and also the civilization who don’t know where they are, are still instilled in his mind as he doesn’t go so far as to hurt a child but simply annoys them by throwing it and missing.
      3- Ralph makes a definite stand against to Jack as he gets really mad at Jack for not keeping the fire going which resulted in them missing an opportunity to be rescued and so he reminds Jack that Ralph has been elected as chief hence, Jack should do what he says. Later Ralph displays a sense of leadership by telling the boys he will call an assembly at the blow of the conch where everyone must come when Ralph does so. As leader Ralph is probably going to convey the issues to the assembly.
      4-Since Piggy was an easy person to pick on, Jack decided that he would try to make him suffer by not giving him meat which seemed to entertain everyone (they enjoyed picking on Piggy as he was the outcast). Jack also does so because he despises Piggy’s relationship with Ralph and as he enjoys this sense of power over Piggy.

    2. Chap5-
      1- The Beast from Water now becomes a significant topic in the chapter as many of the kids claim to have seen this so called Beast and one littlun (Percival) even goes to the extent as to say that he had encountered the beast and that it came from water. The discussion became much more serious than in the previous discussion that even the older boys were getting convinced that there actually was a beast and this was not so difficult to believe due to the reaction of the littluns.
      2- This paradox of the boy’s attitude toward the beast relates as at one point of time the knowledge of the beast makes Percival cry as he is afraid but soon after he falls asleep. Hence, one may feel like it is simply for the sake of having something to feel sad about but are fine as soon as they forget about it. This change in behavior makes one question the legitimate existence of this creature and that it is just a figment of the kids imagination.
      3-Ralph calls the meeting to express his anger on the fact that the hunters did not keep the fire going and because of that they lost any chances of being saved and maybe the only chance they would get in a long time. This meeting turned chaotic soon after as people began to question Ralph as a leader and also that they wanted to officially separate into two groups with one being the hunters who were the rebellious type in the situation.
      4-This is because although it may not seem exactly like it, Piggy has a unique close relationship with Ralph and Ralph being the chief is the only reason why he doesn’t get teased as much as he normally could if everyone were against him. Having Ralph as a chief or in other words, Piggy’s somewhat close friend being a chief, is the only connection he has to having at least a little sense of authority on the island.

  11. Chapter 4
    1. The title describes the state of children after surviving for a long time on the uninhabited island. The long hair signifies that a long time has passed and it is a hint to the reader that the time between the third and the fourth chapter is a lot. The painted faces reveals the part when jack and the other boys use natural colors from charcoal and clay to camouflage themselves while hunting. This title signifies how the boys have acclimatized themselves to their surroundings. It shows that they have accepted the fact that they are stranded on an island, with little hope of being rescued.
    2. Roger was throwing at the stones the littleuns because he liked bugging people. The fact that he is missing the aim on purpose is quite intriguing and fascinating at the same time. Roger could have injured anyone he wanted, but the lasting effect of human morals and society’s rules were still implanted in his brain.Although the boys were on an island where no one would condemn them for misbehaving,they still retained the manners and etiquette the society had taught them.
    3. Ralph makes a definite stand to Jack and the choirboys, reminding them that he is chief and everyone has to obey what he says. Ralph is very upset when Jack and his pack of hunters let the fire out while hunting, when there is an opportunity to be saved. This is when he decides to take the stand, calls an assembly and tries to sort out the issues that have been bothering him.
    4. Jack refuses to give meat to Piggy because he resents Piggy's relationship to Ralph and also considers him as an outcast. By treating Piggy poorly, Jack felt a sense of power among the boys, everyone seemed to enjoy him bullying Piggy. It is said that the predator always aims for the weakest of the herd, in this case the weakest would be Piggy.


    1. What is the significance of the title “Painted Faces and Long Hair”?
    The boys painting their faces and having long hair indicates how Jack and his hunters are embracing the more primitive and violent side of their nature, they are actively becoming savages.

    1. What is the significance of the title “Painted Faces and Long Hair”?
    The boys painting their faces and having long hair indicates how Jack and his hunters are embracing the more primitive and violent side of their nature, they are actively becoming savages.

    1. What is the significance of the title “Painted Faces and Long Hair”?
    The boys painting their faces and having long hair indicates how Jack and his hunters are embracing the more primitive and violent side of their nature, they are actively becoming savages.
    2. Why does Roger, throwing stones at the littluns, aim just to miss?
    Roger has always been told not to do certain things ,he has always been taught to be civilized ,where as while throwing the stone at littluns he misses cause he has never harmed anyone .
    3. What definite stand does Ralph make?
    Ralph takes a stand against jack as he gets really mad at him for not keeping the fire going making them miss an opportunity to be rescued .
    4. Why does Jack refuse to give Piggy meat?
    Jack decided that he would not give piggy the meat as they enjoyed picking on Piggy as he never fit in , Jack also does this to show him and make him feel as a outcast , showing him that he will never be accepted .


    1. What is the significance of the title “Beast From Water”?
    . The children are fearing a beast from the water, it's just a rumor however. It signifies the part where the boys fears are turning into reality .

    2. What is the paradox of the boy’s attitude toward the beast?
    Initially when the rumour is turned down by jack, that is the starting of their fears, where they are trying to fight the fear . later when the pigs head and the guts are keep as an offering to the beast is the fear taking over them .
    Instead of facing the beast they are now coming under the influence of their fright of the unknown.

    3. Why does Ralph call a meeting?
    Ralph calls a meeting to address the things going wrong , he boys fail to complete their work . He also told the boys off for allowing the fire to go out, reminding them that it was their only hope of being rescued.

    4. Why does Piggy dissuade Ralph from giving up his position as chief?
    He dissuades Ralph from giving up his position as he knows that Ralph leaving will make jack he leader causing more havoc.

  14. CHAPTER 3

    1) The title is significant because Ralph, Simon and Piggy realize that they need to build shelters. Huts are then built (on the beach) in this chapter.
    2) Ralph reproaches Jack because he and the choirboys are using hunting as an excuse not to help build the huts.
    3) The 2 different groups that emerged were Jacks group, and Ralph's group. The goal of Jack's group was to hunt and kill whereas Ralph's group's goal was to focus on being rescued.
    4) The reason that Simon goes into the bower is unknown but we can infer that he did so because he had his own aim or agenda. We can see that he has ulterior motives, and is looking for a way to get the upper hand over everyone else.


    1) The title is significant as having 'painted faces and long hair' was considered less civilized and savage. By this time the boys have been on the island for quite some time and this change in their physical appearance goes to show that they have let go of their past. The face paint could also mean a mask. This shows us that Jack and the choirboys have embraced a different side to themselves; a 'dark side' so to speak as they are becoming more violent in nature.
    2) Because in civilization, people are taught to do and not to do certain things, such as throwing stones at other because it is harmful. Roger passionately wants to hurt Piggy but, being conditioned by society back in England, he subconsciously knows that it is wrong to hurt others. Because of this, he throws the stone at a wide range so as to not actually hurt him.
    3) Ralph makes sure that everyone thinks of him as the undisputed leader. He does this by standing up to Jack and the choirboys about the importance of hunting, he changes the location of the fire, and refuses to eat the meat that Jack and the choirboys have hunted.
    4) Jack refuses to give Piggy meat because it is his way of asserting his dominance. This basically shows that it is Jack that has the power of whether or not the boys get to eat. This helps Jack's cause because food is a necessity, and Jack is the main provider of meat, being the leader of the hunters. Due to this, his level of power is elevated.


    1) The question of the beast itself begins again when Percival says to Jack that the beast comes from the sea. The boys gain start to believe that the beast is real when thinking of this depth and vastness of the ocean. Also, Beast in Water could also represent the savagery withing the boys beginning to take over most of them. Ralph holds an assembly and says that the group is breaking up and Jack defies him yet again and says that there shouldn't be any rules. (even though in the beginning, Jack states that rules are necessary) So I think Beast in Water represents the beast lurking inside each of them.
    2) The paradox of the boys' attitude towards the beast is the fact that none of them really know if there is a beast of not. They simply believe there is. That is the paradox, that something that doesn't exist would frighten them because it is illogical do do so. However, another meaning in this is that that it is not fear of the beast, but a fear of the unknown.
    3) Ralph calls a meeting because things aren't going as he has planned. He feels that none of the boys is being serious or taking him seriously; that they don't take life on the island seriously or help in trying to be rescued.
    4) Piggy dissuades Ralph because: Ralph is the only one Piggy is close to, and Ralph as the leader in way, protects Piggy. Without Ralph, Piggy would be at the mercy of all the other boys, especially Jack. Piggy fears him. Ralph is also more sensible that Jack, and Piggy knows that, being the rational, 'grown up' one. He even say that under Jack, “we'd be here until we died”.
